Monday, November 24, 2008

Lazy Google crawlers

It's been 5-6 months by now and Google search enginge crawlers still hasn't bothered enough to see the differences in the weblinks even with their much touted algorithms of listing only the relevant webpages. 

In one of my previous post, I'ad mentioned that I'ad changed my domain name from to, because of various reasons as cited there. However, to this day google crawler still is inefficient in its own terms to identify if the discarded domain name is relevant or not to the keywords searched. 
Below are some of the snapshots which will help you understand "why" 

This is the search engine page listing for the keyword
"ARUNACHAL BLOG", which otherwise will bring out the pages that are relevant or has better keyword density of "arunachalblog". 

But my discarded domain name blog, now used by someone else, blogging solely about "domain name selling business" is ranked 'SECOND'. 

And ya, that's my blog "arunachalblog" getting referred by another third party " skirbit " where I've registered my blog. 

Now Upon further refining my keywords to " ARUNACHAL PRADESH BLOG ",  this is what I get:

My discarded domain name ranks the first this time and ya, there's me in "Third".

Lesson: be careful before you discard your domain name. 


Anonymous,  11:48 AM  

Hi Rome...How r u..hope doin fine thr..I just gone through ur blog post n would like to apprise u the reason of it. Google donates the rankings on the basis of ur backlinks targeting to those particular keywords. As I knw u had worked on your previous blog for quite long time and also acquired plenty of backlinks . Google check the relevancy of a website on the basis of text on the website and the anchor tags of backlinks. As there is no text(arunachal blog) on ur old blog. however, backlinks are still there. This is the only reason of ur old blog rankings.

Rome Mele 2:43 PM  

Thank you manish...


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