Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Precious Little Moments!

Life is a box of chocolates, you never know which one you might get ( unless the box is all yours of course! ), each of the chocolates tasting different than the other. And so does it goes true for events and moments that we live by.

Life has an uncanny way of disguising to something new or rather modified in every another day that we step by. It's the sheer ungratitudiness of being mere human beings that we seldom give a thought on the various aspects of ' how it did?'. A person lives some of his life's best moment today and is still unsure about how it might ' tomorrow '. However, the answer isn't about finding a statistically proved model of working out the probability of ideally finding a yet another 'good day', but it should be about how 'yesterdays' are the moments that gives meaning to our life and to what we are today. It's weird how the invisible traits of life, which otherwise are just the figments of how much we can cache the memories - of ours and others, has the power of depositioning how we might view others and how others might view us.

However, the point of this posting wasn't about, stretching the limitless counter arguments that my mind might give in for even having thought on - how vague arguments on something that are vaguely visible should take the upper shelves of my supposedly nimble time these days.

So, lets move in to the precious little vagaries of Life which adds nothing much but the more of you with fews that you can recollect and rejoice ( at the end ) having done that. I will do mine for certain.
This should be nothing more than a routine exercise to gather more of such for many people across that you call - 'the loved ones'.

Let's unravel it...

I keep telling myself... if there is something that is most precious to me, then it would be my Dad and each of the moments that I'ad spent with him. But, on a serious note, when I actually try to recollect those moments - it takes me a lot to recall those. Some of the the moments that first strikes and comes to my mind are ( trying to note down the first three ):-

Moment1- The first and the Last 'Slap'.
It goes back to my primary school days ( I was in 4th standard, 1995 ), I'ad a petty little fight with my Dad over some superstitiously generated urgency of having Rs.100 in my pocket. I wanted to go to a restaurant along with my friends ( what? ). Sounds like, an annoying little kid I must have been. Rs.100 bucks in 1995 meant a lot...and it even did more to a 4th standard student. And quite obviously my Dad did say 'NO' and wanted to re-negotiate on the terms of my demands with mega depreciation furthering to Rs.10.
Rs.10, how does that sound? I wished it had been my birthday that day...but alas, it wasn't. You can guess what a spoilt, short-tempered brat would respond back by. Yes, I did that... started kicking around the furnitures, clothes rack and whatever my legs could reach within the 'acquired-circumference-of-zero-tolerance'. I guess it should have been sufficient enough to cool down my anger and justify the 'howling acts' and shedding of some 'forced tears' to ascertain my position over my justified claims.

Well...I went overboard...I over did...

by heading for my Dad's room and trying to make a hole using a knife ( DAO )through his suitcase so that I could get my hand on the cash( if there were any ). Pretty good, sturdy traditional VIP suitcase it was ( I could make only few scratches which might possbilby be deciphered as some ancient fossilised writings, if aliens discover it, eons later)!

My futile efforts just earned me a one good tight slap.
And I get nostalgic remembering that...the only Slap ever and so far!

moment2 .. ( shall continue later ) :)

P.S:- I would suggest, even you try out the same...and gauge for yourself as to where you fall!



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