Friday, May 09, 2008

Bloggers: Benefits of posting comments !

If you're a keen blogger, then I know you feel the sudden gush of delight when you see the comments on your post. Appreciation can be faltering but to be honest its always pleasing. But a true remark or the feed , whether its in good or bad light, serves much of the unforeseen ramifications that can be used in a much better constructive way in your future works.
But, do you Post comments and how often ? Sometimes we get carried away by the statistical fears inside our mind which inhibits us to place a comment. It did to me though!
Sometimes We think. posting comments would aid in making that blog(one where you just commented) popular rather than mine. Well, so be it, till it serves you good.
Wanna know how and why ?
Below are some of the key points you need to keep in your mind, when you think of commenting on someone else blog.

1.People complain about not having enough comments in their blog, but they forget to count how much they have returned or commented till date. We feel happy and encouraged whenever someone appreciates our work, but it is equally important to let the others feel the same as well.

2.When you comment, you leave behind a digital signature of your blog. And that would remain there as long as that blog is alive. Take care to post comments on good posts, since those are the one which will attract other people as well. They too might comment, and there you go... you've the chance of being sighted. People can try your blog if your comments are good. So Comments are as important as posts. It tells the quality of your work. So give good comments and infact many of those.

3.Giving a comment is proportional to coming up with a new Idea. Well, your comment could propel you with new Ideas or for topics for new posts ahead in your blog.

4.Join popular networking sites and make friends. Comment on their blogs as well. Healthy chances of getting more inbound traffics.

5.Take part in discussion forums of such networking sites. Come up with good discussion topics, such as asking people to review your blog in exchange of theirs. Now it is important that your feedback for such review works should be a good one. This is important, since if you are good with your comments, people will take your blogs to be good as well.

6.Another important strategy to further channelize traffic is to Look for the some of the most active members in the those networking sites such as Blogcatalog, mybloglog etc. You can easily find that by looking at some of the discussions. Comment on their blogs, keep it more for the most active blogger. There are healthy chances that, the active blogger will certainly draw in more commenter for their blog, and what you get is a decent chances of getting noticed by those inbound traffic.

7.Being active member of such discussions can also serve you good. But, keep in mind that your contributions to such discussions are of some standards. People will trust by your comments. So keep it good and honest.

8.Pour in your comments on blogs with different perspectives. If you limit yourself with the same group of blogs(friends), you will probably saturate yourself with same kind of comments and block the avenues of getting comments from other directions as well. One should make a target of commenting atleast in few of the new blogs everyday. You can get new ideas and fresh perspectives about what other bloggers have to say.

So having said all of these... well,its your time to comment.


  1. Deep soul seaching....take it easy...and keep up the good work...

  2. For those people who are not looking for increased traffic to their site, comments are just a nice reminder that all the time that goes into creating and maintaining a blog is noticed and appreciated by others.

    I'm sure this post took a little time to compose, and you would like to know that someone read it and used something that you suggested.

    I read it, and that is why I have left this comment.

    I don't like receiving comments that are transparent and obviously only for the "commenter" to increase their visibility.

  3. Hi Nicole... Your point is acknowledged.

    Sweet one !!!


  4. Hi Rome
    I always look forward to receiving comments from people after they read my blog, some are flattering, some are constructive but sometimes others are discriminatory. We need to use discretion sometimes when allowing comments so that it builds your blog and not destroys it.
